4 Reasons To Consider Pipe Lining

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From homeowners to board members of condos, many are opening their mind to the prospect of trenchless piping as an increasingly attractive alternative to sewer repair. With CIPP (pipelining), many wonder about the longevity of such systems. Consider these 4 points when deciding if trenchless pipelining is for you.

1. Trenchless Pipe Lining Review: The First C.I.P.P. Liner

Cured-In-Place-Pipe, or C.I.P.P., was invented by Eric Wood in 1971. Installed within a leaking pipe serving a farm of mushrooms. After analyzing the situation, Wood came up with the idea of inserting a felt sheet with a polyester resin and dragging it 230 ft into the 46″ x 24″ diameter pipe, inflating it, letting it cure, and the C.I.P.P. process was born.
Although Wood has since passed away, his C.I.P.P. liner is still in service to this day more than 45 Years later. Wood’s legacy lives on through the popularity of C.I.P.P. liner today. From his humble beginnings, the idea has snowballed into a continually improving, revolutionary business, with better and more efficient systems invented all the time (e.g. inversion lining).

2. E.P.A. Trenchless Pipelining Review (Retrospective)

It’s important to also take into account the perspective of designated government agencies. Trenchless pipelining was assessed by the Water Supply and Water Resources Division at the Environmental Protection Agency. They looked at all sizes of C.I.P.P., that had been used for 5, 21, 23, and 25 years. Qualities analyzed include hardness of surface, density, tensile strength, and thickness. The E.P.A. trenchless pipe lining review made this observation:
“Three of the liners had already been in service for nearly half of their originally expected service life, but overall, there is no reason to anticipate that the liners evaluated will not last for their intended lifetime of 50 years and perhaps beyond.”

3. Acceptance and Usage Review

Despite its relative obscurity, C.I.P.P. is becoming increasingly common and accepted throughout the world. The retrospective review cites an estimated 210, 000, 000 feet (forty thousand miles) of piping are currently installed.
Additionally, C.I.P.P. is popular in rehabilitation projects on city main lines. It is now common practice in the residential market, introducing state of the art technology to accommodate smaller piping (sometimes 2”-8”). As standards are raised, the future for C.I.P.P. gets even more exciting on both an industrial and civil scale.

4. Trenchless Pipe Lining Reviews by People Like You

In addition to the ample evidence of the longevity, durability and efficiency of trenchless pipe lining, Kwik Plumbers’ has many customer reviews for you to review. Below are some locations of our customer reviews:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the installation, maintenance, or operation of trenchless systems, or just for general advice and meetings, you can call Kwik Plumbers at 561-627-2244.

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For more information about our services or to obtain an estimate, reach out to us at Kwik Plumbers today. Feel free to call our team or fill out the form for an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you.

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