How Will a Bathroom Remodel Affect My Plumbing?

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When it comes to remodeling a bathroom, it’s safe to assume that a large part of planning involves the bathroom’s plumbing. After all, you wouldn’t have a working bathroom without it! Many homeowners believe their biggest cost for a bathroom remodel will be purchasing fixtures. Actually their plumbing is what can really drive up the price if not done by a professional.

This is particularly true if you need to move your plumbing in order to accommodate a new bathroom design. When you are ready to prepare for a bathroom remodel and need plumbers to help you with the logistics, give our professionals a call. We’ve shared some insights below into what a bathroom remodel might involve.

Moving Your Toilet

If your toilet needs to be moved for a bathroom remodel, you have a few factors to take into consideration. The biggest of these factors is where the waste pipe is located, the slope and the vent pipe. Standard codes dictate that a vent pipe must be within 48 inches of the toilet. Therefore if you relocate the toilet more than 4 feet away, then it will need to be re-vented.

Drainage Pipes

Any drainage pipes that currently exist in your bathroom were installed to specific codes. They require sloping in order for the water to run out of your home as needed. In fact, one of the biggest do-it-yourself bathroom remodeling mistakes people make is failing to get this sloping right. Moving a shower or tub can be complicated and costly without the help of a professional plumber.


If you haven’t already planned on replacing your flooring and subflooring, this is something you’ll need to consider within the cost of your bathroom remodel. Plumbers typically work from the floor in order to access your pipes, which will require at least a small amount of demolition.

For expert bathroom plumbing services in Jupiter, FL, contact Kwik Plumbers today.

Contact Us for Your Plumbing Needs

For more information about our services or to obtain an estimate, reach out to us at Kwik Plumbers today. Feel free to call our team or fill out the form for an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you.

Kwik Plumbers Truck Jupiter, FL