Look for These Signs with Plumbing When Buying a House

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Look for These Signs with Plumbing When Buying a House

February 15, 2021

Are you shopping for a new house? While you might feel like you have found THE house, chances are you probably got caught up in the aesthetics only. But let me stop you there!You have to look for the existing problems before making a decision. Poor plumbing is clearly a deal-breaker. And who wants to…

How to Trace a Leaking Pipe

April 25, 2016

Leaks can cause significant damage to your home over time, and they can also waste a lot of water, and thus waste a lot of money. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) a single drippy faucet can waste gallons of water just over the course of one month. If you are unsure if you…

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