Answering Some of the Most Commonly Asked Plumbing Questions

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Your plumbing system is perhaps the most complex system within your entire home. As such, it’s important only to trust a professional when it comes time to inspect your plumbing or making repairs. DIY-projects are sometimes nice, but in this case they can do more harm than good. Nevertheless, we’ve compiled a list of general plumbing questions that are commonly asked of professional plumbers, along with their answers.

What Causes Drain Clogs?

This can be from a number of things. If the clog is in your bathroom then it could be a buildup of hair or soap scum backing up the drains. On the other hand, a kitchen pipe clog could be from inappropriate foodstuff being put down the garbage disposal.

Amateur plumbers may suggest store bought drain cleaner to resolve this, but that can actually do more harm than good. Besides, if you don’t get to the root of the problem then these drain clogs can just continue to occur. Be sure to contact a professional for a thorough inspection and pipe cleaning if needed.

Why Is My Faucet Dripping?

Water pressure could have a lot to do with this. For example, if your water pressure is too high, then water can be leaking through. This is typically an easy and inexpensive fix, but a repair that should be handled right away. Delaying service could result in gallons of wasted water and a higher utility bill for you.

How Do I Stop a Running Toilet?

A toilet that continually runs is more than just an annoyance. It can waste water and money. In fact, leaking toilets can account for around $100 extra a year on water bills. If you do have a running toilet, there is probably a damaged or faulty mechanism. It’s best to call in a professional to have a look.

For comprehensive plumbing services in North Palm Beach, FL, contact Kwik Plumbers today.

Contact Us for Your Plumbing Needs

For more information about our services or to obtain an estimate, reach out to us at Kwik Plumbers today. Feel free to call our team or fill out the form for an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you.

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